Here's what you might be wondering

Frequently Asked Questions

With our assistance and document processing, our clients have had great success with bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, charge-offs, repossessions, medical bills, credit card debt, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, judgments, tax liens and student loans.

Items cannot come back as long as the item is current or paid at the time of removal or if the collection is older than three years. This holds true except in very rare circumstances.

Most of our clients will see changes on their credit report within the first 45 days or so, and then they see more results following each cycle that we send. However, there have been a few clients who had very few changes for 4 or 5 months, and all of the sudden there was a wave of removals, deletions and updates. Unlike most companies that only dispute two or three items per month. We challenge every piece of negative reporting information every month, which results in a much shorter total program time for our clients. Please keep in mind, however, that credit repair is a process that requires time, patience, and maximum effort. Even for the most stubborn negative accounts that took many, many rounds, there has rarely been an account that could not be removed with enough attacks and enough patience. We call this the TMF (Too Much Factor) method, where over time our challenges cost the bureaus too much money, too much time, and we have presented too much evidence, and they eventually remove the challenged account. Our advice: Don’t Quit! You will be successful in the long run.

There are two sides to the credit score battle. Sometimes, the creditors and the credit bureaus have done absolutely everything right and we have no case against them. On average, clients are able to remove 70% of the negative items from a credit report.

We will guide you through the process from start to finish and prepare all your documents for you. We have a superb knowledge of credit scoring and experience working with creditors and credit bureaus. It may be difficult for an individual to communicate with creditors and bureaus without an adept understanding of their techniques and regulations in place for credit reporting. We have spent a great deal of time learning the laws that will help you to remove negative information on your report, which enables us to offer you a flawless, money back guarantee system.

Contrary to what credit bureaus want you to believe, credit training does work in most circumstances. But it only works if you are getting the best advice from an experienced professional. Anyone with a credit score below 720 can benefit long-term from the advice and information provided through credit education. However, there are limiting factors that will prevent us from helping you. Two main factors are: (1) your financial situation and/or (2) the time frame in which you need to reach your results. It is possible to remove anything from a credit report, even accurate items. For instance, if the creditor makes mistakes or does not adhere to the specific time frame, the negative item may be removed.

Other Credit Repair companies charge an average of $300 per deleted item, which can become expensive quickly, considering the average credit report has 11 items that could be removed. We made it affordable by providing UNLIMITED disputes and deletions for a fraction of the cost.