Money Back Guarantee

Under the following circumstances:
1. If we do not remove any negatives items we’ve worked on and you have obtained our
services consistently for 180 days.
2. You have had no new collections or missed payments during the time frame we are assisting you.
3. You have maintained a credit monitoring service at all times during the time frame we are helping you.
4. You agree & have sent updated reports/responses from the three credit bureaus & creditors to us within five days of receipt. You should receive updated credit reports every 30-45 days and make us aware if updated reports have not been received.
5. You have paid in full or made your payments with us on time every single month with no interruptions in payment.

Refunds Policy

There are a few important things to keep in mind when requesting for a refund:

Standard Refund Policy

  • You have 90 calendar days to request for a refund from date of first initiation.
  • You do not acquire services with any other credit restoration company during the duration of being enrolled with Pyramid Credit Repair.
  • Payments is not overdue and all payments due and owing to Pyramid Credit Repair are current and made upon payment due date.
  • Refunds are limited to payments made for 90 days of service only.
  • Recent 3-bureau reports must be obtained or furnished to Pyramid Credit Repair during the time of refund request.